Are you searching for the best Utah engagement locations? Whether you are ready to schedule your engagement photo shoot or just at the very beginning stage of planning, I’ve put together a complete guide that includes the best locations, what you need to know before scheduling your session, and my best tips and tricks as a Utah engagement photographer to help you prepare you for your session.

Keep Reading For More on the Best Utah Engagement Locations!

Investing In Professional Photography for Your Engagement Photos

Believe it or not, there was a time when engagement photography was not the standard in the wedding industry. It seems so long ago now! But there are a few reasons why engagement photography has become a common need for couples who are getting ready to tie the knot. 

Why should I schedule an engagement photo shoot?

  • Allows you to take the time to celebrate being engaged before jumping into wedding planning
  • Helps you get comfortable in front of the camera before your wedding day
  • Get to know your wedding photographer before working with them on your wedding day
  • Provides you with professional photos to use in your wedding stationery suite

Why should I hire a professional photographer for my Utah engagement photos?

Chances are, this is the first time that you and your spouse are taking professional photos together. Most couples have their own love language, but it’s a very private and intimate thing. Putting that on display, in front of a camera, in order to capture the essence of your story, will more than likely feel at least slightly uncomfortable. Think of how that would come across in your wedding photos. Using your engagement photo session as a way to build that comfort level takes away part of those wedding day nerves. 

Side by side with that is building a working relationship with your wedding photographer. Personally, I love to meet my couples before their wedding day. I want to get to know more about their story, and what makes them tick. That helps me key in on those little moments they share with each other. It also lets my couples get to know me, and how I work. Allowing us both the space to create the best experience possible through their engagement session.

The Best time of year to plan your Utah engagement photos

My personal favorite seasons to capture engagement photos in Utah:

  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Fall

Can you schedule your engagement photos during the winter in Utah? Yes, of course we can. However, your photos won’t have the same glowly light and it’ll more than likely be absolutely freezing outside. So let’s say you are willing to get adventurous and brave the weather for a snowy engagement photo shoot in Utah. We have a quick chat about Utah engagement locations, you choose the perfect outfit, and you book an appointment to get your hair and makeup professionally done. But suddenly, the day arrives and it is absolutely dark and cloudy with no hope of the sun shining through. You’ll find yourself in a constant battle of the elements resulting in rescheduling. 

The Best time of day to plan your Utah engagement photos

In a word, at sunset! Our goal is to produce the best lighting during the season that you’ve selected to capture your engagement photos. The exact time of sunset will vary between summer, fall, and spring. But, as a Utah engagement photographer, knowing the exact time the sun is going to set during each season is something I am constantly on top of! My goal is always to make your engagement session about celebrating your moment. Furthermore, I want to provide my couples with engagement photos that embody gorgeous Utah engagement locations and photos that feel like pure magic in a bottle. In order to get that magic in a bottle, we want the best light possible.

Selecting The Attire For Your Utah Engagement Photos

  • Select a color palette that complements your location
  • Make an appointment to get your hair and makeup professionally done
  • You & your partner’s attire should complement one another without being an exact match

Once you’ve browsed the Utah engagement locations below, you’ll have a better idea of how to select a color palette that is complementary to your location. From there, you’ll want to select attire that works with the background of your location, while still keeping the focus squarely on you.

Wondering how “dressy” your attire should be? Well, it should still feel like you and embody your style. If full glam is something foreign to you and you feel much more comfortable in boutique fashion, then stick with that. Your engagement photos are not the time to try something new. You want to arrive looking and feeling like the best version of yourself. If you’ve tried a new look and you feel uncomfortable carrying yourself in it while a camera is pointed your way, that level of discomfort will come through in your photos.

Utah Engagement Locations

Utah State Capitol Building

The Utah State Capitol building is a gorgeous engagement photo location and it also doubles as a wedding venue! Inside you’ll find exquisite marble columns and stairways, accented by pops of gold and soft lighting. The space is commanding and provides a timeless backdrop for your engagement photo shoot.

Utah Engagement Locations, Utah Engagement Photographer, Utah State Capitol Building, Branson Maxwell Photography

Scheduling Your Session | The Utah State Capitol does not require an appointment to capture your engagement or wedding portraits. We are free to work together at the Utah State Capitol during a time that works best for you.

Who it’s for | Couples that are looking for Utah engagement locations with a more classic, formal backdrop.

Location | Downtown Salt Lake

Snow Canyon Utah

From inside the Capitol building to outside among the red rock formations! Snow Canyon Utah is also an amazing choice on this list of Utah engagement locations. And, it’s an equally fabulous wedding venue. The views are incredible in every direction and the range of tones in this idyllic backdrop are unmatched.

Scheduling Your Session | A pass is required to capture engagement or wedding photos at Snow Canyon Utah, but this requirement pertains to photographers only. Additionally, Snow Canyon does require that we schedule the time of your engagement shoot five days in advance.

Who it’s for | Couples searching for Utah engagement locations outdoors that have a rich tapestry of earthy tones

Location | Southern Utah

Tunnel Springs Park

Our next stop on the list of the best Utah engagement locations is Tunnel Springs Park. The vibe there is similar to that of an English garden, but with views of the mountains off in the distance. Everything is the most lush shade of green and so full of life!

Scheduling Your Session | The park does not require an appointment or permit to capture engagement photos. However, if you’re thinking about hosting your wedding at Tunnel Springs Park, a special use permit is required.

Who it’s for | Couples who want a garden vibe that comes with a view of the mountains and verdant rolling hills.

Location | North Salt Lake City

Little Sahara Sand Dunes

Dessert vibes in wide open space as far as the eye can see, this location is packed with sand dunes, hills, and sagebrush flats. In total Little Sahara State Park stretches over 1600 acres of sand dunes that range from 25-75 feet high. In fact, the dunes were formed from remnants of prehistoric times when the Cimarron River flowed through the area. It’s a visually stunning space that beckons adventurous hearts.

Scheduling Your Session | The park does get busy on weekends and holidays, I always advise my couples to schedule their engagement session at Little Sahara Sand Dunes with me on a weekday.

Who it’s for | Couples that want to experience Utah engagement locations with a dash of adventure.

Location | Two hours south of Salt Lake City

That was my guide to the best Utah Engagement locations! Bookmark this page for later. Or, to schedule your engagement session, you can contact me here.